
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect my actual opinions.

May 27, 2004

Spammer gets jail time

Howard Carmack, a spammer who used 343 email accounts to send over 850 million emails (mostly to me, I wouldn't be surprised) has been sentenced to seven years in prison for his crimes.

Now he says "I obviously regret this whole involvement," whatever that's supposed to mean, but also claims the case against him was overblown, and that there were "no victims".

No victims? If the average piece of spam weighs in at 2kb, and if it takes the average user 5 seconds to identify and delete one spam email, that's over 1.5 terabytes of bandwidth and over 8,000 years wasted dealing with his junk. The cost to businesses must be enormous. No victims my ass.

So fuck you, Howard Carmack. It would be wrong of me to encourage your fellow inmates to give you some unsolicited deliveries of their own, so I won't. And normally I'd balk at such a long sentence for a non-violent crime, but you're being made into an example, you asked for it, and if the government doesn't show spammers it's serious about prosecuting then the problem will only get worse. Sucks to be you, eh?